Brand Ambassador Agreement
Holly & Co, a registered trademark of Holly & Co AU Pty Ltd, allows advertising and promotion of its products by pupfluencers and their momagers. The following agreement details the terms and conditions of being a Holly & Co Brand Ambassador. By applying to our Brand Ambassador program, you agree to the following:
1. Ambassador Requirements:
Requirements are available to view at any time on the Brand Ambassador page of the Holly & Co website.
Current requirements:
- Have an active Instagram or TikTok account.
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Post at least once a month in Holly & Co.
- Post follower code with your H&C content.
- Like, share & comment on our posts.
Ambassadors may not share discount codes to coupon or discount sites. Any ambassador code found on such sites will result in the associated ambassador being terminated from the program and all store credit voided.
Ambassadors must post Holly & Co related content at least once every 30 day period. Those that do not meet this requirement are considered to be inactive and will therefore be removed from the program.
Where an ambassador is deemed not to be following requirements, Holly & Co reserves the right to terminate the ambassadors account and void all store credit earned.
2. Prohibited Content:
You must not publish any content to any platform that is deemed to be:
- pornographic, sexually explicit or suggestive, or contains nudity;
- is unnecessarily violent or derogatory of any ethnic, racial, gender, religious, professional or age group;
- promotes alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, or firearms/weapons; • promotes any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous;
- is obscene or offensive, or endorses any form of hate or hate group;
- defames, misrepresents or contains disparaging remarks about other people or entities;
- communicates messages or images inconsistent with the reputation and good will of Holly & Co;
- violates any law.
3. Indemnification:
You agree to hold Holly & Co its directors, officers, agents, and employees harmless for any liability from any injury or damage arising from the use or promotion of any Endorsed Product.
4. Relationship:
This agreement shall not be construed as creating an employer/employee relationship or an employer/contractor relationship.
5. Confidentiality:
At times Holly & Co may share information with you that is confidential in nature. Ambassadors must maintain such information in the strictest confidence. Any release of confidential information will terminate this agreement.
6. Intellectual Property:
You agree to allow Holly & Co to unlimited use of any work produced by you in conjunction with the work performed under this Ambassador agreement.
7. Agreement Duration:
The duration of this agreement is effective from the date of your ambassador account being created. All ambassadors are engaged on a quarterly basis. This agreement will automatically renew at the end of each quarter where the ambassador has successfully upheld the ambassador requirements, and both parties are in agreement to continue. Both parties may terminate this agreement at any time.
8. Commission:
Commission All standard ambassadors earn a commission rate of 10% on all Net Sales derived either through ambassador code or ambassador link use. Net Sales are defined as sales excluding any discounts, shipping, gifts cards, store credit, refunds, or taxes. Commissions are paid through store credit valid to use on the Holly & Co website. Store credit may be redeemed at any time at the discretion of the ambassador through the Ambassador Portal.